Seal & Shrink™ by Highlight

SS-1115, SS-1218, SS-1621 and SS-2431 Seal & Shrink Machines

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Seal and Shrink by Highlight

Highlight’s Seal & Shrink™ system incorporates the sealing of the shrink film and the heating all in one efficient, compact machine. Available in four models to fit your exact product from the smallest SS-1115, SS-1218, SS-1621, to the largest SS-2431 (shown).  The numbers following the SS are the lengths and widths, respectively. Electronic controls are easy to use and allow for full control of seal time, shrink temperature, and shrink time.

Two operating modes: seal only, and seal and shrink. Film is automatically perforated before it goes into the chamber. Product rate depends on settings, but 5 products per minute is typical. Optional stand with heavy duty casters and shrink film waste bin is available at extra cost.

Highlight system with heat tunnel and sealing bar

Highlight’s Seal & Shrink systems are semi automatic L-bar sealers with integrated shrink hood machines designed to provide an economical and versatile solution to product bagging and shrink packaging requirements. The machines use center fold type polyolefin shrink film to perform bagging of items for unitization, or with the supplemental film shrinking to create protection, pack compression, and visual appeal. The systems are designed to operate at up to 15 cycles per minute depending on operation mode and package size. An optional stand is available to situate the machine at an ergonomic height with locking casters included for portability.


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